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Apri 3rd: Gateway 95 Lorton 11-2

April 9th: Dept of Energy DC 11-2

April 10th: Barley Naked Brewing 3-8

April 11th: Lost Boy Cider 5-830

April 12th: Old Bust Head Brewing 12-8

April 17th: Dept of Energy DC 11-2

April 18th: Fairfax Government 11-2

April 19th: Lost Boy Cider 5-830

April 20th: Strangeways Brewing 12-4

April 20th: Starr Hill Brewing 5-9

April 21st: Port City Brewing 12-7

April 23rd: Fairfax Government 11-2

April 24th: IRS Lanham MD 11-2

April 26th: Dept Homeland Sec DC 11-2

April 27th: W. Commanders Draft 11-4

April 30th: Fairfax Government 11-2

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